Gently melancholy, but, crucially, never depressing, ‘natural habitat’ is an album that generously repays patient listening and...
SonicAbuse's editor-in-chief is a self-confessed musical nut with an eclectic taste ranging from lo-fi and indie to crushing heavy metal.
If you love music and revere its power to stimulate the senses then ‘peninsula’ is an album...
...for those whose tastes run to the dark realm of ambient post-rock ‘Temporary enlightenment’ is a masterpiece.
Time to worship at the altar of sickness once again, the mighty Autopsy are back with a...
Melodic, heavy and well-produced, Karelia offer up a refreshingly different take on hard rock that is...
Fans of heavy metal need look no further for a well-rounded, brutally-honed album that takes a number...