A band who have grown alongside their audience, as the Wembley shows so clearly highlighted, with The...
SonicAbuse's editor-in-chief is a self-confessed musical nut with an eclectic taste ranging from lo-fi and indie to crushing heavy metal.
A ferocious, engaging journey into a heart of darkness, Amongst the Low & Empty is an impressively diverse, brutally...
Following their show-stopping performances at Glastonbury, Download and 2000 Trees festivals, and their hugely acclaimed support slots...
There’s such passion in their performance, that you get the same chills, even on familiar tracks like...
A true labour of love, Asleep In The Ejector Seat is something very special indeed. 9.5/10
Today, Bonamassa is sharing the latest taste of the album; a rambunctious rendition of "Well, I Done...