Hard to believe it’s been six years since Night Demon last graced us with new material, but then a mix of relentless touring and the enforced lockdowns of the pandemic served to keep the band from unleashing a follow-up to their well-received Darkness Remains (2017). Absence, however, can make the heart grow fonder, while the band were clearly determined to ensure that Outsider was going to be an album that would take them to the next level. And so it transpires that this, the band’s third full-length album, emerges as a concept album, filled with potent heavy metal thunder and harking back to the likes of The Crimson Idol and even, dare we say it, Operation Mindcrime in its scope and delivery.
The album opens with the scene-setting Prelude, a synth heavy piece that segues directly into the explosive title track. A full-blooded heavy metal monster, Outsider is a dynamic track that takes the high octane approach of early Queensryche, throws in some doom-laden Iommi moments and, somehow, packs it all into four little minutes. It’s a hell of an introduction to the album, and it sets the blood racing through the veins. Next up, the searing riff that leads off Obsidian is classic metal of the first order. Part Maiden, part Metallica, it’s ferociously heavy, but with a strong melodic edge that keeps things memorable, and you can only listen on, awed by the precision of the band’s assault. One of two epic-length pieces found on the album, Beyond The Grave sees Night Demon slip effortlessly between the Cliff Burton-esque bass of the intro and verses (Armand John Anthony) to the majestic riffing of the chorus. It’s a compelling song that allows plenty of space for Jarvis Leatherby’s intelligent lyrics and impressive, multi-layered vocals.
Having allowed the listener a certain respite with Beyond The Grave, Night Demon get their Iron Maiden on with the blistering Rebirth. Possessed of a certain punky belligerence, it’s a fast-paced track, packed with harmonised leads and anchored by a hook that will have audiences singing along with gusto. Dusty Squires’ pulverising percussion leads the way into Escape from Beyond, another track that serves as a shot of pure adrenaline. In contrast, the dark-hearted A Wake showcases a very different side of the band, the stripped-down approach of the track a welcome moment of calm after the absolutely belting tracks that dominate the album’s second side. Outsider concludes with another lengthy piece entitled The Wrath. Encapsulating the diverse appeal of the album in seven glorious minutes, The Wrath has it all – moments of calm, impassioned vocals and blistering leads. It’s the conclusion the album deserved, and it leaves the listener somewhat dizzy at the sheer scale of the band’s ambitions. Serving as a post-credits sequence, the album even manages to pack in a short bonus track, the sub-three-minute The Last Day, which sees the band letting off steam after so epic an undertaking. It’s a seriously bruising curtain call, and it reminds the audience that no matter how heavy things get, the band still enjoy letting loose from time to time.
If, in these cynical times, you’re going to go down the route of traditional metal, it’s best to go big or go home and, in Outsider, Night Demon went seriously huge. Drawing influence from the absolute masters of the genre, Outsider casts nods in the direction of Maiden, Metallica, Queensryche and W.A.S.P., and it never falters in its ambition. Armand, Jarvis and Dusty all turn in phenomenal performances, and there’s a sense of adventure that is wholly irresistible. Put simply, this is a trad metal gem that more than makes good on the promise of the band’s previous works. 9/10
OUTSIDER track-listing
1. Prelude
2. Outsider
3. Obsidian
4. Beyond The Grave
5. Rebirth
6. Escape From Beyond
7. A Wake
8. The Wrath
9. The Last Day
On release day (Mar. 17th), Night Demon will kick off the “Hell’s Decibels Tour 2023”, hitting cities across the USA alongside Satan and Haunt – with the trek concluding in Philly as the official Decibel Metal & Beer Fest pre-party! See below for all dates; tickets are available at: www.nightdemon.net/tour
“Hell’s Decibels Tour 2023”
w/ Satan, Night Demon, Haunt
Mar. 17 – West Hollywood, CA @ Whisky A Go Go
Mar. 18 – Oakland, CA @ Eli’s Mile High Club
Mar. 19 – Las Vegas, NV @ Dive Bar
Mar. 21 – Salt Lake City, UT @ Aces High Saloon
Mar. 22 – Denver, CO @ HQ
Mar. 24 – Austin, TX @ Come And Take It Live
Mar. 25 – Houston, TX @ White Oak (Hell’s Heroes)
Mar. 26 – Dallas, TX @ Amplified Live
Mar. 27 – Wichita, KS – @ Barleycorns
Mar. 29 – St Paul, MN @ Turf Club
Mar. 30 – Chicago, IL @ Reggies
Mar. 31 – Des Moines, IA @ Lefty’s Live Music
Apr. 1 – Tulsa, OK @ Cain’s Ballroom (2 Minutes To Tulsa)
Apr. 2 – Kansas City, MO @ The Record Bar
Apr. 4 – Grand Rapids, MI @ Pyramid Scheme
Apr. 5 – Cleveland, OH @ Beachland Ballroom
Apr. 6 – Columbus, OH @ Ace of Cups
Apr. 7 – Mechanicsburg, PA @ Lovedraft’s
Apr. 8 – Cambridge, MA @ Sonia
Apr. 9 – Brooklyn, NY @ Saint Vitus
Apr. 11 – Buffalo, NY@ Mohawk
Apr. 13 – Philadelphia, PA @ The Foundry (Decibel Metal & Beer Fest pre-party)