March 19, 2025

7 thoughts on “Sepultura – ‘A-lex’ Album Review

  1. Finally, someone that actually has listened to “post-Max” Sepultura!!!!!

    Have not heard A-Lex yet so I will not comment about it but…. Nation was an AMAZING release.
    It is the most diverse of all of the Sepultura albums. It covers all of the “old-school” thrash that Sep has always been known for and then touches on so many other facets most bands can’t or won’t get near.
    Dante is another great album, although I lean more towards Nation.

    I have been a huge Sepultura fan since Beneath The Remains. I even named my son Max and credit Igor as my biggest influence on drums. But, Max was NOT Sepultura!!!

    Sepultura- Keep doing “What You Do”!!!!! It is much appreciated by many..

  2. i totallly agree with don c – yes max was ok but i do actually prefer derrick i seen them last week live and was at the front centre and got to see the performance side well and they are a force to be reckond with – its just the usual mumbo jumbo of being closed minded when they are absolutly amazing now

  3. Nice review! As someone that is fed up with people saying that they aren’t Sepultura without Max, and are crap now, it is so nice to see someone redress the balance a bit. I saw them last night in London, and Derrick is every bit as good a frontman as Max ever was, indeed I’d say better. The band as a whole were awesome.

    Max threw his tantrum and left 14 years ago. Time for people to get over it. Derrick has been with the band as long as Max was, and doing a bloody fine job.

    There is the occasional rumour of a reunion but in my view Max needs Sepultura more than Sepultura needs Max. He hasn’t done anything to match Sepultura since leaving. A reunion gig with both Cavalera’s would also be disrespectful to both Derrick and Jean. The current line-up should steer well clear.

    1. I certainly feel that Derrek is on of the most underrated frontmen in metal – not only can he work a crowd but he has immense presence and that roar which simply levels buildings when he lets it loose. Thank you for all your comments – it’s good to see that Sepultura still have loyal supporters despite all the idiotic things that have been written about them.

  4. Thanl you Phil for the great and straight review. We’re all tired of the closedminds who doesn’t gave proper respect. SEPULTURA NA VEIA! Cheers from Brazil!!!

  5. Well.. i’m really fed up about “Sepultura’s fan’s who’s criticizing “after the max” period.
    I do love both. Doesn’t care of lowmind spirits who’s finding in derreck green an target about what max is doing (or not) in Soulfly or Cavalera’s conspiracy!

    I also like Soulfy, and it’s a good thing to have to international brasilian band instead of one?

    It’s time to grow up kids!
    Let’em do what they want, listen if you love..
    .. and let the others enjoy their music, if you don’t!

    1. A good point well made. Both Soulfly and Sepultura (especially now) are great bands worthy of attention – it’s been great to see the response this review got and the amount of people who’ve come out in support of post-Max Sepultura: for me, metal’s always been about being open-minded and that’s something that true Sepultura fans seem to be.

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