THE SISTERS OF MERCY is 40 this year and will play 3 special shows at London’s Roundhouse.
It howls, it’s grindingly beautiful, and it’s probably heading your way.
New and hence unreleased songs make up half of any Sisters’ set these days, although the classics get a good thrashing in rotation. Having derived their light show from the Big Bang (gleefully inventing rave lighting in the process), the Sisters see no reason to tone it down, and will be exploding in all their usual glory at the next suitable opportunity.
THE SISTERS OF MERCY live in London September 2021:
Fri 10th London Roundhouse
Sat 11th London Roundhouse
Sun 12th London Roundhouse
Tickets are on sale 10am 12th March at
Metal Hammer: [the Sisters are…] “a lean glittering groove machine for the new millennium, leaving the sullenly anachronistic reformations of their contemporaries far behind.”
The Sisters Of Mercy are
Andrew Eldritch: vocals
Ben Christo: guitar and backing vocals
Dylan Smith: guitar and backing vocals
Ravey Davey: nurse to the Doktor
Doktor Avalanche: drums etc