Appearing, wreathed in smoke and with his trademark hat jammed down across his brow, Troy Redfern is every bit the blues man gun slinger. I first experienced him supporting Wille & The Bandits, and he made a lasting impression, his prowess on the slide marking him out as guitarist of note at least as much as the hard-riffing tracks that frayed the synapses that night. Joined by Ron ‘Bumblefoot’ Thal (Guns ‘n’ Roses) and Darby Todd (The Darkness), Troy is poised to release new album …The Fire Cosmic! And Waiting For Your Love is the first taste that is going to have listeners utterly hooked.
Waiting For Your Love emerges from a gorgeous haze of amp noise and reverb to become masterful Delta stomp layered in heavy distortion and nailed to the floor by a drum beat that, at suitable volumes, threatens to overpower the stereo. Recorded at Rockfield Studios (Sheer Heart Attack, A Night At The Opera) it’s a gleeful racket that Troy and his band make, caught between Rory Gallagher at his most electrifying, Guns ‘n’ Roses (circa Dust ‘n’ Bones) and vintage psychedelia, and damn if it doesn’t make you want to head straight for the dancefloor! Put simply, if this is indicative of the quality that’s forthcoming on the album, we can expect something truly special.
Currently on the stereo on it’s eighth consecutive spin, Waiting For Your Love is a genuinely thrilling teaser for an album that can’t arrive soon enough. Troy’s production totally rocks, and you can’t help the feeling that the live shows are going to be celebratory affairs indeed. Now, what are you still doing here? Go and pre-order the album! 9/10