March 19, 2025

2 thoughts on “Black Fortress Of Opium – Slow Burn EP Review

  1. I’ve always liked this band from day 1; but this is a dog shit review! The author must have a hard-on for Martin Bisi and Ajda the Turkish Queen to not mention the other members of the band. Music A; review F-

    1. Oh Duane, old buddy. Had a bad day did we? Struggle to read past the first sentence? You may have had a valid point (if we are to assume that all good reviews must mention all the band members), if only your entire comment hadn’t been so factually incorrect.

      For example,

      it’s the interplay between the various band members that shines through

      That’s in paragraph 2 (it comes after paragraph 1, but given your level of literacy, my hopes are not high for your mathematical skills).

      Then there’s:

      with only the measured percussion of Yuri Zbitnoff stopping the whole thing from collapsing into a welter of glorious noise

      That’s in paragraph three and, as you can see, mentions (gasp) a band member.

      But wait! There’s more:

      The Sealed World benefits greatly from Paul Wallfisch’s jazz-inflected piano, and it provides a suitably enigmatic conclusion to the EP.

      That’s also in paragraph three.

      Anyhow, thanks for stopping by, old fruit. Do feel free to drop us your address, and we’ll send you a graded reader to help you get up to speed with the larger words spread across this riposte.

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